Wednesday, July 20, 2011

A Really Good Day!

My parents came down from NH for the day to visit with, and also come to an ultrasound with us. Due to our "high-risk" label we have a level II anatomy scan (ultrasound) every 4 weeks. While the extra ultrasounds are nice to be able to see our little one, they have not always been the source of the best news, so we anticipate each appointment with cautious excitement.

Our ultrasound technicians name was Wendy and is definitely the best technician we have had so far. A lot of time the tech's we end up with are not very personable, or are annoyed that we don't want to find out the sex. Anyways, Wendy was awesome, and she totally thought my Dad was funny, which could have been hit or miss, since he is a total jokester that could completely be misinterpreted.

She started the scan and was going through each tiny part, in complete detail, gathering the measurements and we all just stared at the screen in total amazement of the little life in there kicking and moving all around. Wendy even confirmed that baby's feet were kicking right into my bladder, which made me feel better about almost peeing my pants a few times recently.  She was explaining it all to my parents as she went along and they were completely blown away. My dad showed his age by continually saying how "they never had anything like this back when..."

After a few minutes she switched wands, and was just scanning like normal until she pushed a button and BAM - the awesome happened - she had turned the ultrasound into 3D! We were all just open-jawed for a while. I have seen a ton of 3D ultrasound pics, but to see OUR baby, his/her little nose, eyes, and lips, was just beyond words. I still cannot believe it as a type!

This picture is our favorite. Just looking at all the tiny details make my heart explode with so much love, and the fact that his/his little head is resting on what looks like a pillow is just beyond adorable.

But it gets even better still! The Dr. looked at the pictures and measurements and said everything was going so well that we could move the ultrasounds to about 6 weeks apart now. Baby is 1lb and 6 ounces, and measuring right on track! Knowing that our little one is growing so well just fills Brandon & I with happiness and joy!

Today is Brandon's birthday, and I don't think anything could be a greater gift then to have these precious pictures to obsess over and the knowing that our baby is doing just perfect.

Bonus Photo of My Two Loves:

(FYI, Brandon sleeps through anything, and may not know that this picture even exists until he reads this blog post ;)

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