Thursday, July 14, 2011

22 weeks, 6 days

As of today I am 22 weeks, 6 days pregnant - Woo-hoo!
It blows my mind we've made it this far, and I can assure you that it has not been easy. We found out fairly early into the pregnancy that past health issues of mine would place us in the dreaded "high-risk" category of pregnancy. Morning sickness was the least of our problems, things started to get rough and we were contently in fear of losing something only a few ounces big. 

At around 19 weeks I was dizzy and took a fall. We made an appt. to make sure everything was okay, and found out my "cramps" were actually contractions. I was sent home to rest, and unfortunately the contractions only picked up in their intensity and time apart. We were told to head straight to Labor & Delivery. I can tell you nothing in this world has sucked nearly as much as trying to get ready to head to the hosp at that time, knowing that we could very well be coming home without our baby.

I was hooked up to the machine to monitor contractions, and they checked everything out. The worst part was repeatedly being told how "The fetus' lungs aren't developed enough, it wouldn't survive." We became increasingly upset and frustrated every time one of the doctors/nurses would feel the need to point this out. Because we were about 3 weeks early for what is considered "viability" they were not going to be able to do anything to really help the situation. Their only attempt would be to give me sleeping pills and hope that in a deep-enough sleep my body would relax, and the contractions would stop. 

The good news came when they confirmed my water had not broken. They then did a quick ultrasound, and there are our little one was, head down, playing away, showing no signs of stress. Off to sleep I went in the hopes everything would just be OK.

I would like to say that the next morning everything was perfect, and in some ways it was. Contractions only occurred a few times over the next few days, we were out of the hosp, and things were looking up. I was on bed rest, but if that meant a healthy baby I would sit on my ass, bored all day long! Slowly time has passed and despite still having more contractions, baby W is growing incredibly well and Mommy and Daddy are hanging in there!

So today, I am 22 weeks, 6 days pregnant, and it feels great!

Endless love to my Husband for being my rock. xoxo

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