Monday, October 17, 2011

A Letter to Baby

Dear my Sweet Baby,

I am writing this because you are coming to join us so soon, and there are things I want you to know. I want you to know how much you have changed my life, and in every way for the better. I want you to know how much you are loved. I want you to know how proud I am that you chose me to be your mom. I also want you to know how there is no baby in this world that could make me more proud.

It has been a long and scary pregnancy for your mom. When I was about 20 weeks pregnant with you, I took a little fall and ended up experiencing contractions. We ended up in Labor & Delivery and things were not looking good. At 20 weeks the doctors wouldn’t do anything to help you because babies are considered too small to live outside at that time. Listening to what they had to say that night was killing your Dad and I. We were so scared and felt helpless. But, here is the thing that we didn’t know; your mom was pregnant with the strongest baby in this world. That night was the first of a long and scary journey and with as much strife and fear as we underwent you continued to grow and grow and it is amazing.  

I write this with tears in my eyes and pride in my heart because I still can’t believe we have made it this far. You taught your Daddy and I about faith in God, faith in his timing, and the power of love. You are the strongest person I know, because before you even breathed for the first time you had fought so hard and so many times to stay with us, and I couldn’t thank you more. I want you to go through life with the same fight that you have had the last 16 weeks. Always be courageous, never give up, and know that your parents couldn’t possible have any more love for you.

Endless Love,